recently, everyday is meeting and meeting
i will think that, is there so many things to discuss?

but there will be emergence of new proposal, one after another
then changes were made again
as expected i still doesn't want to compromise!
thinking of producing something good
today on my way home, bought a cap
because i find it so cute
therefore bought the sports cap!
moreover today lunch was of course ramen again
recently, had it everyday
slightly overdone my likeness to it

hungry for comments & they are love!
please write it in the cbox located at the sidebar <===
his never-say-die spirit..
good going, yamapi-dear ^^
ganbatte ne!
i thought he would take a picture of the cho kawaii cap..
but he didn't..
hopefully tonight, he will take a photo of it..
recently, i think it's because one of ch.V (taiwan) program..
i think i've caught the arashi fever
*cough cough*
throughout the 1 hr program,
they were showing arashi's pv..
from their very first video - A.RA.SHI to their not so latest pv - Crazy Moon..
and i was totally going OMG OMG OMG in my head..
all of them look super duperly funny, cute and young..
and then the 1 song which caused me to catch the arashi fever..
is this main culprit~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i like the dance and the song and the pv..
well basically, everything..
and i find aiba is so cute~
heard from my friend that he likes animal!