Sunday, February 27



yesterday, i was at home watching DVD!

it's based on a true story

it has a great storyline.

it's about a kid who was born in a slum area
becoming America's football star.

it also has scenes that allow one to rethink about
racial discrimination.

my feelings became complex.

even though we are living in a world full of uncertainties of whether
this thing is right or wrong,

live life happily!

thinking of spending a happy time
with people who are coming to watch the concert!

to eliminate all the pressures that were
piled up

hungry for comments and they are love!
please write it in the cbox located at the sidebar
or you can post your comments in the comment box beneath this post ^^

from the brief synopsis that pi provide,
i think he watched 'The Blind Side' yesterday.
i've been thinking of watching this movie since the day i saw its trailer online but i was too lazy to rent the DVD to watch X)

anyways i wish that when i attend pi's concert in Apr,
i'm able to throw all the pressures and unhappiness far away from me and that they would never ever come back to trouble me.
why is it that it is so difficult to lead a peaceful and smooth-riding life?!
honestly, i don't like to live a life full of ups and downs. (anyway, who would? am i right?)

by the way,
please read this juicy news about pi and his French girl, if you haven't.
i was practically awe when i saw the second pix - HE WAS HOLDING ONTO HER WRIST!!!!!!! *admiration*
however, i was puzzled as to why the girl wants to hide her face, to bend her head down to the level of pi's butt?
it wasn't a glam scene~

1 comment:

  1. The Blind Side!
    "i don't like to live a life full of ups and downs. (anyway, who would? am i right?)" Your right, curveballs are fine because they challenge us, but ups and downs are no good....
    "anyways i wish that when i attend pi's concert in Apr,
    i'm able to throw all the pressures and unhappiness far away from me" Scream and Sing the loudest -_^ ... Because I won't be there, so i'm hoping you will scream and sing for me too :P

    "why the girl wants to hide her face, to bend her head down to the level of pi's butt?"
    ...........????........... No Comment!.... well it is really puzzling because I can imagine them on a date and they would be the kind of couple that wouldn't care about things around them, but only care that they were with each other
