i had translated 24th & 25th Oct entry
click on the date to view it ^^
Happy Halloween! Everyone!

but anyways,
last night i came across a juicy cum interesting article..
regarding pi-sama, kagami and abiru =S
here is it!
click on the title below to read the article..
Yamashita with new flame & is Abiru Yuu extremely unhappy?
after reading the article..
i find it all so amusing..
i couldn't stop laughing
but poor pi-chan,
he had to go through this fuss between these two ladies..
and one thing!
the saying is true, afterall!
'Birds of Feather Flock Together'
today's weather is very subtle
yesterday, chatted on the phone with toma for a long period of time.
although it's kind of disgusting, for two guys to talk on the phone for so long
the amount of things we wanna say, piled up
therefore, it can't be help
today, still listening to music
feeling great.
this photo was taken when we were filming 「ブザー ビート」 in Karuizawa.
credit baidu
hungry for comments & they are love!
please write it in the cbox located at the sidebar <===
it has been a long time since i last heard yamapi mentioned toma!
yeah to tomapi!
i love this picture..
both of them look soooooo cute and sweet~
wonder what did they talk about~
the photo which yamapi-dear took..
it's beautiful~
so green and refreshing~
somehow, looks like he took it in a forest..
sorry that last night i didn't update his nikki on time..
i was out with my friends ^^
while during our meet up..
one of my friend, ashlyn, gave this to me!
an epic chibi yamapi uchiwa!
finally! i got a yamapi uchiwa..
even though it isn't an official one..
but still~~~~~ it has yamapi's egao on it!
*happy happy*
then another friend of mine, peirong, who have just came back from Korea..
bought me some things from Korea too..
here's what she bought for me ^^
and love these 2 prezzies!
the socks is so cute~ plus it's pink too..
and the pendant on the necklace is sweet~
just nice.. i wanted this necklace design..
and here's some tib-bits she bought
then yesterday, me and my friends visit several restaurants..and we ate A LOT!but the restaurant which made me happy is Swensen's
because we ordered and ate their sizzling pan - walnut rocky road
it was sooooooo damn nice!
it consist of a chocolate pie with butterscotch topped with chocolate ice cream, marshmallows & walnuts and chocolate chips!
served in a sizzling pan!!
it wasn't too sweet but it was chocolaty~
*swallowing my saliva*
feel like having it again, today..
today, completed the filming in the studio!
as there are lots of good CD in the studio, therefore used the laptop to listen these beautiful music continuously
music 最高
just by listening to music, my mood will change too.
yesterday, although i danced and stretched my muscles
when i woke up this morning, my muscles were aching!
still painful still painful!
i'm hungry~
hungry for comments & they are love!
please write it in the cbox located at the sidebar <===
completed his filming in the studio?!
could it be for his loveless PV!!
woo~ i can't wait to see it~~!!
lol! even though his aching muscles were killing him..
he still can't resist the desire to eat..
by the way,
a few days ago
yamapi's LOVELESS single and solo concert billboard was seen being put up in Shibuya..
and some kind fans took a picture of it
then now..
the whole picture is up!
all photos credit to watchful21@lj, and her source, mixi, XQ, 2channel, ameblo & ayashi_mikage@njp
if you look closely,
pi is wearing a black-"i don't know what do you call that" ring..
somehow, to me
it adds a sexy element to the entire picture..
i'm not sure why though~
original posting:-
date: 10.11.2009
time: PM12:47
wonder what will my future husband say for his thank you speech??