Tuesday, December 1




today, after a long time, went to sing K (karaoke) together with my friends!

allowing me to recall of my high school period!

the feeling is so reminiscing!

once in a while go sing K, isn't a bad idea

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ah! this reminds me that i haven't been singing K for a while now~
i miss the microphone and the echo-y feeling inside the room

maybe i shall plan myself to sing K after my tests (next week)~!

yesterday, i forgot to post this up
after pi's nikki translation

i took this while i was shopping in SASA at Tampines 1..
i was so so so shocked and delighted when i saw it! (although NEWS wasn't featured anywhere, but still....)

even though, a few months back, people had spotted some Happy Bath Day products being sold in other retail shops..
by the time, i went to that retail..
everything was in a mess and majority of the products had been sold out..
leaving a few not-that-popular products on the shelf..

this time,
it's different!
it was displayed properly & organized ^^
and i even went to try out its perfume

personally, i think the perfume didn't smell that nice initially..
but after a while,
it does! 
it's sweet and refreshing~
make me wanna buy it
S$18, by the way..

moreover, today,
i went to order my copy of NWPD DVD online!!
whuahahahahahahaha! + scream!!!!!!
finally! X)

a few weeks later,
i'll be able to watch it \(^0^)/ 

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